Saturday, October 20, 2007

Social Conservitives may leave? GOOD RIDDANCE! GO!!!!

Conservatism as a movement started by Barry Goldwater was about small government, fiscal discipline, low taxes, free markets, and individual liberty. Then the Religious Reich seized control of the Republican party, mixing the oil and holy water of Political conservatism and Social Conservatism. Social Conservatives believe that the government should dictate the choices you make in your life and in your bedroom; political conservatism thinks the government should mind its own damn business. The best thing for this country that could happen is the for Religious Reich to get its own damn lunatic fringe party and then - hopefully - the political system will stabilize as these lunatics can't hide behind other issues. Maybe we will get a real Conservative party that can pay off the debt and restore America from the damage that the Bush administration has caused.

Lets elect Barry Goldwater. He may be dead, but he's still a better choice than any of the Republicans and most of the Democrats.

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