Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Law of unintended consequences revisited

Congress, with its collective lips firmly around the shaft of the farm lobby, voted even more subsidies to the American Farmer, aka ConAgra, ADM, and the 3 other conglomerates that own every farm in America. They all start growing corn and selling to ethanol producers so they can collect their subsidies. This raises the price of both food and gas (since ethanol is one of the worst biofuels out there, with the least energy content and most overhead since it requires special processing and separate transportation), making food and everything else cost more. And if that isn't enough...

Poor countries are selling off food crops since prices have increased, so people are both poorer and hungrier since they can't afford the limited remaining food. Hungry, starving people tend to be unhappy, so they do whatever they can to eat. Guess who has food and is recruiting: Terrorists.

Yes, Congress is creating even more terrorist by pretending to be green. Ethanol is creating terrorists by using up food to create a bad biofuel. Oh, and MIT released a study showing that the increased farming is generating much more CO2 than the oil from all the farming, so global warming is actually increasing.

We are so phucked.

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