Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer is sezy, but Fallon is more interesting

Everyone is following Elliot Spitzer's fall from grace ( or whatever her name was) and missing the fact that an Admiral, Commander of Centcom, one of our military's highest leaders, just resigned effective immediately because of "a loss of confidence by the President." That would be the President that has gotten EVERY POINT ON THIS WAR WRONG AND WANT TO START ANOTHER WAR WITH IRAN.

Shivers run up and down my spine thinking about it. That moronic idiot that is in charge of our military either wants to overrule the professionals and either keep our soldiers in harms way indefinitely or wants to overrule the professionals and start yet another war or two.

I have respect for the military; I don't know if I could allow this madman idiot to send me to my death for no good reason other than his paranoia and delusions about the countries he thinks he can conquer. It obvious Bush and his minions don't have any respect for our military to continue to squander them like toy soldiers under a petulant child's magnifying glass. Admiral Fallon did the only thing a professional soldier and patriot can do - he resigned and made it public.

Its a warning flare, a salvo in the fight for America that we all should heed. This man fell on his sword so that we might take notice and demand accountability before more of our brave men and women die following the orders of a damn fool.

Spitzer is damned and by his own hand. His story is over. Let's pay attention to the real terrorists that have infiltrated our government. Lets remind Bush that he is accountable to the people.

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