Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Studies: Iraq Costs US $12B Per Month

In case you are wondering, that’s $1M in war debt for every person in America and just over $2M for every taxpayer ASSUMING IT ENDS THIS YEAR. Don’t forget to add generations of additional debt in interest payments – mostly due (payable) to China. So while you pay attention to sex scandals, false economic accusations about immigrants, amendments against flag burning,and for displays of religion in public buildings, have some sympathy for Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned. Just as surely, our economy under the weight of this deficit and will collapse along with an aging and ill-maintained transportation system, an aging population, and a health system that will be second to none right up until the moment it collapses too. And when our children and grand children throw us out into the streets and pull the plugs that keep us alive, know that the ones who really deserve it, the ones that have looted our treasury, sent our kids to a senseless death, taken our civil liberties and ignored our Constitution are likely to be mercifully dead. And know that we deserve our fate for the sheep we have been.

Studies: Iraq Costs US $12B Per Month

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